Source code for morfeus.local_force

"""Local force constant code."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterable, Sequence
import functools
from os import PathLike
from typing import Any

import numpy as np

from import (
from morfeus.geometry import (
from import read_geometry
from morfeus.typing import (
from morfeus.utils import convert_elements

[docs] class LocalForce: """Calculates and stores the results from local force constant calculations. The method is described by Cremer in 10.1002/(SICI)1097-461X(1998)67:1<1::AID-QUA1>3.0.CO;2-Z. Alternatively, the compliance matrix method can be used according to 10.1063/1.3413528 Args: elements: Elements as atomic symbols or numbers coordinates: Coordinates (Å) Attributes: internal_coordinates: Internal coordinates local_force_constants: Local force constants (mDyne/Å) local_frequencies: Local mode frequencies (cm⁻¹) n_imag: Number of normal modes with imaginary frequencies """ internal_coordinates: list[Bond | Angle | Dihedral] local_force_constants: Array1DFloat local_frequencies: Array1DFloat n_imag: int _B_inv: Array2DFloat _B: Array2DFloat _coordinates: Array2DFloat _D_full: Array2DFloat _D: Array2DFloat _elements: list[int] _fc_matrix: Array2DFloat _force_constants: Array1DFloat _ifc_matrix: Array2DFloat _input_coordinates: Array2DFloat _internal_coordinates: InternalCoordinates _masses: Array1DFloat _normal_modes: Array2DFloat _standard_coordinates: Array2DFloat def __init__( self, elements: Iterable[int] | Iterable[str] | None = None, coordinates: ArrayLike2D | None = None, ) -> None: # Set up attributes self._internal_coordinates = InternalCoordinates() self.internal_coordinates = self._internal_coordinates.internal_coordinates if elements is not None: elements = convert_elements(elements, output="numbers") self._elements = elements self._masses: Array1DFloat = np.array([atomic_masses[i] for i in elements]) else: self._elements = [] self._masses: Array1DFloat = np.empty(0, dtype=float) if coordinates is not None: self._coordinates: Array2DFloat = np.array(coordinates) else: self._coordinates: Array2DFloat = np.empty(0, dtype=float)
[docs] def add_internal_coordinate(self, atoms: Sequence[int]) -> "LocalForce": """Add internal coordinate. Composed of two (bond), three (angle) or four atoms (dihedral). Args: atoms: Atom indices of internal coordinate Returns: self: Self """ self._internal_coordinates.add_internal_coordinate(atoms) return self
[docs] def compute_compliance(self) -> "LocalForce": """Compute local force constants with the compliance matrix method.""" # Compute B matrix if it does not exists if not hasattr(self, "_B"): self._B = self._internal_coordinates.get_B_matrix(self._coordinates) # Compute compliance matrix and get local force constants C = self._B @ np.linalg.pinv(self._fc_matrix) @ self._B.T k_s = 1 / np.diag(C) * AFU / BOHR / (DYNE / 1000) * ANGSTROM self.local_force_constants = k_s return self
[docs] def compute_frequencies(self) -> "LocalForce": """Compute local frequencies.""" # Compute local frequencies M: Array1DFloat = np.diag(np.repeat(self._masses, 3)) G = self._B @ np.linalg.inv(M) @ self._B.T frequencies = ( np.sqrt( ( np.diag(G) / AMU * (self.local_force_constants / ANGSTROM * DYNE / 1000) ) / (4 * np.pi**2 * C**2) ) / 100 ) self.local_frequencies = frequencies return self
[docs] def compute_local( # noqa: C901 self, project_imag: bool = True, cutoff: float = 1e-3 ) -> "LocalForce": """Compute local force constants with the local modes approach. Args: project_imag: Whether to project out imaginary frequencies cutoff: Cutoff for low force constant (mDyne/Å) Returns: self: Self """ # Compute D matrix from normal modes and B matrix if not hasattr(self, "_D"): if not hasattr(self, "_B"): self._B = self._internal_coordinates.get_B_matrix(self._coordinates) self._D = self._B @ self._normal_modes.T # Project out imaginary modes if project_imag is True and self.n_imag > 0: # Save full D matrix and force constant vector self._D_full = self._D # Remove force constants with imaginary force constants self._force_constants = self._force_constants[self.n_imag :] self._D = self._D[:, self.n_imag :] # Add cutoff to modes with low force constants if cutoff is not None: indices_small = np.where(np.array(self._force_constants) < cutoff)[0] if len(indices_small) > 0: self._force_constants[indices_small] = np.array(cutoff).reshape(-1) # Compute local mode force constants K: Array1DFloat = np.diag(self._force_constants) k_s = [] for row in self._D: if not np.all(np.isclose(row, 0)): k = 1 / (row @ np.linalg.inv(K) @ np.conj(row).T) k_s.append(k) else: k_s.append(0.0) k_s: Array1DFloat = np.array(k_s) # Scale force constants due to projection of imaginary normal modes if project_imag and self.n_imag > 0: lengths = np.linalg.norm(self._D, axis=1) lengths_full = np.linalg.norm(self._D_full, axis=1) k_s *= lengths / lengths_full self.local_force_constants = k_s return self
[docs] def detect_bonds( self, radii: ArrayLike1D | None = None, radii_type: str = "pyykko", scale_factor: float = 1.2, ) -> "LocalForce": """Detect bonds based on scaled sum of covalent radii. Args: radii: Covalent radii (Å) radii_type: Covalent radii type: 'pyykko' scale_factor: Scale factor for covalent radii Returns: self: Self """ self._internal_coordinates.detect_bonds( self._coordinates, self._elements, radii=radii, radii_type=radii_type, scale_factor=scale_factor, ) return self
[docs] def get_local_force_constant(self, atoms: Sequence[int]) -> float: """Return the local force constant between a set of atoms. Args: atoms: Atom indices of the internal coordinate Returns: force_constant: Local force constant (mDyne/Å, mDyne Å/rad²) Raises: ValueError: When no internal coordinate found """ coordinate = _get_internal_coordinate(atoms) index = self.internal_coordinates.index(coordinate) if index is None: raise ValueError(f"No internal coordinate with these atoms: {atoms}") force_constant: float = self.local_force_constants[index] return force_constant
[docs] def get_local_frequency(self, atoms: Sequence[int]) -> float: """Return the local frequency between a set of atoms. Args: atoms: Atom indices in the internal coordinate Returns: frequency: Local frequency (cm⁻¹) Raises: ValueError: When no internal coordinate found """ coordinate = _get_internal_coordinate(atoms) index = self.internal_coordinates.index(coordinate) if index is None: raise ValueError(f"No internal coordinate with these atoms: {atoms}.") frequency: float = self.local_frequencies[index] return frequency
[docs] def load_file( self, file: str | PathLike, program: str, filetype: str ) -> "LocalForce": """Load data from external file. Args: file: File program: Program used to generate file: 'gaussian', 'unimovib' or 'xtb' filetype: Filetype. For 'gaussian': 'fchk' or 'log'. For 'unimovib': 'local' or 'log'. For 'xtb': 'hessian' or 'normal_modes' Returns: self: Self """ choices = { "gaussian": { "fchk": self._parse_gaussian_fchk, "log": self._parse_gaussian_log, }, "xtb": { "hessian": self._parse_xtb_hessian, }, "unimovib": { "local": self._parse_unimovib_local, "log": self._parse_unimovib_log, "umv": self._parse_unimovib_umv, }, } choices[program][filetype](file) return self
[docs] def normal_mode_analysis( self, hessian: ArrayLike2D | None = None, save_hessian: bool = False, ) -> "LocalForce": """Perform normal mode analysis. With projection of translations and vibrations to get normal modes and force constants. Args: hessian: User-supplied Hessian save_hessian: Save projected Hessian for use in compliance matrix method. Returns: self: Self """ # Set up coordinates: Array2DFloat = self._coordinates * ANGSTROM_TO_BOHR masses = self._masses if hessian is None: hessian = self._fc_matrix else: hessian = np.array(hessian) n_atoms = len(coordinates) # Create mass matrices M_minus: Array1DFloat = np.diag(np.repeat(masses, 3) ** (-1 / 2)) M_plus: Array1DFloat = np.diag(np.repeat(masses, 3) ** (1 / 2)) m_plus = np.repeat(masses, 3) ** (1 / 2) m_minus = np.repeat(masses, 3) ** (-1 / 2) # Mass-weight Hessian hessian_mw = M_minus @ hessian @ M_minus # Find center of mass com: Array1DFloat = np.sum( masses.reshape(-1, 1) * coordinates, axis=0 ) / np.sum(masses) # Shift origin to center of mass coordinates -= com # Construct translation vectors t_x: Array2DFloat = (np.tile(np.array([1, 0, 0]), n_atoms)).reshape(-1, 3) t_y: Array2DFloat = (np.tile(np.array([0, 1, 0]), n_atoms)).reshape(-1, 3) t_z: Array2DFloat = (np.tile(np.array([0, 0, 1]), n_atoms)).reshape(-1, 3) # Construct mass-weighted rotation vectors R_x: Array2DFloat = np.cross(coordinates, t_x).flatten() * m_plus R_y: Array2DFloat = np.cross(coordinates, t_y).flatten() * m_plus R_z: Array2DFloat = np.cross(coordinates, t_z).flatten() * m_plus # Mass-weight translation vectors T_x = t_x.flatten() * m_plus T_y = t_y.flatten() * m_plus T_z = t_z.flatten() * m_plus # Remove linear dependencies from translation/rotation space TR_vectors = np.vstack([T_x, T_y, T_z, R_x, R_y, R_z]) Q, R = np.linalg.qr(TR_vectors.T) keep_indices = ~np.isclose(np.diag(R), 0, atol=1e-6, rtol=0) TR_vectors = Q.T[keep_indices] n_tr = len(TR_vectors) # Construct P matrix P = np.identity(n_atoms * 3) for vector in TR_vectors: P -= np.outer(vector, vector) # Project out translations and rotations hessian_proj = P.T @ hessian_mw @ P # Diagonalize eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(hessian_proj) eigenvalues = eigenvalues[n_tr:] eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, n_tr:] # Calculate cartesian displacements cart = eigenvectors.T * m_minus N = 1 / np.linalg.norm(cart, axis=1) norm_cart = cart * N.reshape(-1, 1) reduced_masses = N**2 # Calculate frequencies and force constants n_imag = int(np.sum(eigenvalues < 0)) frequencies = ( np.sqrt(np.abs(eigenvalues) * HARTREE / BOHR**2 / AMU) / (2 * np.pi * C) / 100 ) frequencies[:n_imag] = -frequencies[:n_imag] force_constants = ( 4 * np.pi**2 * (frequencies * 100) ** 2 * C**2 * reduced_masses * AMU / (DYNE / 1000) * ANGSTROM ) # Set up attributes self.n_imag = n_imag self._force_constants = force_constants self._normal_modes = norm_cart if save_hessian: self._fc_matrix = M_plus @ hessian_proj @ M_plus return self
[docs] def print_report( self, angles: bool = False, dihedrals: bool = False, angle_units: bool = False ) -> None: """Print report of results. Args: angle_units: Wheter to convert angle and dihedral force constants to mDyne Å/rad² angles: Whether to print angles dihedrals: Whether to print dihedrals """ # Print header if angle_units: unit = "mDyne/Å, mDyne Å/rad²" else: unit = "mDyne/Å" string = f"{'Coordinate':30s}" + f"{'Force constant ' + '(' + unit + ')':>50s}" if hasattr(self, "local_frequencies"): string += f"{'Frequency (cm⁻¹)':>30s}" print(string) # Print results for each internal sorted_coordinates = sorted( self.internal_coordinates, key=lambda x: (len(x.atoms), *x.atoms) ) for coordinate in sorted_coordinates: # Check if internal coordinate is angle or dihedral if len(coordinate.atoms) == 3 and not angles: continue if len(coordinate.atoms) == 4 and not dihedrals: continue index = self.internal_coordinates.index(coordinate) force_constant = self.local_force_constants[index] # Convert units for angles and dihedrals if len(coordinate.atoms) > 2 and angle_units: force_constant = force_constant * BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM**2 # Print out the results string = f"{repr(coordinate):30s}" + f"{force_constant:50.3f}" if hasattr(self, "local_frequencies"): frequency = self.local_frequencies[index] string += f"{frequency:30.0f}" print(string)
[docs] def reset_internal_coordinates(self) -> "LocalForce": """Reset internal coordinate system.""" self._internal_coordinates = InternalCoordinates() self.internal_coordinates = self._internal_coordinates.internal_coordinates return self
def _parse_gaussian_fchk(self, file: str | PathLike) -> None: # noqa: C901 # Read fchk file with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Set up read flags read_modes = False read_hessian = False read_vib_e2 = False read_ic = False read_atomic_numbers = False read_coordinates = False read_masses = False # Set up containers for reading data modes: list[float] = [] hessian: list[float] = [] vib_e2: list[float] = [] internal_coordinates = [] n_atoms: int n_imag: int atomic_numbers: list[int] = [] masses: list[float] = [] coordinates: list[float] = [] # Parse fchk file for line in lines: # Read normal modes if read_modes: try: split_line = line.strip().split() modes.extend([float(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_modes = False # Read cartesian force constants elif read_hessian: try: split_line = line.strip().split() hessian.extend([float(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_hessian = False # Read normal mode force constants elif read_vib_e2: try: split_line = line.strip().split() vib_e2.extend([float(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_vib_e2 = False # Read internal coordinates elif read_ic: try: split_line = line.strip().split() internal_coordinates.extend([int(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_ic = False # Read atomic numbers elif read_atomic_numbers: try: split_line = line.strip().split() atomic_numbers.extend([int(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_atomic_numbers = False # Read atomic masses elif read_masses: try: split_line = line.strip().split() masses.extend([float(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_masses = False # Read coordinates elif read_coordinates: try: split_line = line.strip().split() coordinates.extend([float(value) for value in split_line]) except ValueError: read_coordinates = False # Read number of atoms if "Number of atoms" in line: n_atoms = int(line.strip().split()[4]) # Read number of normal modes elif "Number of Normal Modes" in line: n_modes = int(line.strip().split()[5]) # Read number of internal coordinates elif "Redundant internal coordinates" in line: n_redundant = int(line.strip().split()[5]) elif "NImag" in line: n_imag = int(line.strip().split()[2]) # Detect when to read data elif "Vib-Modes" in line: read_modes = True elif "Vib-AtMass" in line: read_masses = True elif "Cartesian Force Constants" in line: read_hessian = True elif "Vib-E2 " in line: read_vib_e2 = True elif "Redundant internal coordinate indices" in line: read_ic = True elif "Atomic numbers" in line: read_atomic_numbers = True elif "Current cartesian coordinates " in line: read_coordinates = True # Take out normal mode force constants force_constants: Array1DFloat = np.array(vib_e2[n_modes * 2 : n_modes * 3]) # Construct force constant matrix from lower triangular matrix fc_matrix: Array2DFloat = np.zeros((n_atoms * 3, n_atoms * 3), dtype=float) fc_matrix[np.tril_indices_from(fc_matrix)] = hessian fc_matrix: Array2DFloat = np.triu(fc_matrix.T, 1) + fc_matrix # Take out the internal coordinates internal_coordinates: Array1DInt = np.array(internal_coordinates) coordinate: Array1DInt for _, coordinate in enumerate(np.split(internal_coordinates, n_redundant)): if all(coordinate >= 0): # Sort out linear bends atoms = [i for i in coordinate if i != 0] self.add_internal_coordinate(atoms) # Convert coordinates to right Ångström coordinates: Array2DFloat = ( np.array(coordinates).reshape(-1, 3) * BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM ) # Set up attributes self._fc_matrix = fc_matrix self._normal_modes = np.array(modes).reshape(n_modes, n_atoms * 3) self._force_constants = force_constants self.n_imag = n_imag self._elements = convert_elements(atomic_numbers, output="numbers") self._coordinates = coordinates self._masses = np.array(masses) def _parse_gaussian_log(self, file: str | PathLike) -> None: # noqa: C901 # Read the log file with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Set up read flags read_b_atoms = False read_b_vectors = False read_fc_matrix = False read_ifc_matrix = False read_input_orientation = False read_standard_orientation = False read_internal = False read_internal_modes = False read_hp_modes = False read_masses = False # Set up containers for reading data B_atom_map: dict[int, list[int]] = {} B_vectors: dict[int, list[float]] = {} normal_modes: list[list[list[float]]] = [] internal_modes: list[list[float]] = [] force_constants: list[float] = [] masses: list[float] = [] fc_matrix: Array2DFloat = np.empty([]) ifc_matrix: Array2DFloat = np.empty([]) input_coordinates: list[float] = [] standard_coordinates: list[float] = [] n_imag: int = 0 n_atoms: int = 0 internal_indices: dict[frozenset[int], int] = {} atomic_numbers: list[int] = [] coordinates: list[list[float]] = [] # Parse through log file content counter = 0 internal_names: list[str] = [] internal_vector: list[float] = [] values: Any value: Any for line in lines: # Read internal coordinate definitions if read_internal: if counter > 1: if ( " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # noqa: B950 in line ): read_internal = False n_internals = len(internal_indices.items()) else: split_line = line.strip().split() name = split_line[1] internal_names.append(name) atoms = split_line[2][2:].replace(")", "").split(",") atoms = [int(atom) for atom in atoms] internal_indices[frozenset(atoms)] = counter - 2 counter += 1 # Read Cartesian force constant matrix elif read_fc_matrix: if " FormGI is forming" in line: read_fc_matrix = False fc_matrix = np.triu(fc_matrix.T, 1) + fc_matrix elif " " in line: column_indices = [int(value) for value in line.strip().split()] elif "D" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() row_index = int(split_line[0]) - 1 values = [ float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line[1:] ] for i, value in enumerate(values): column_index = column_indices[i] - 1 fc_matrix[row_index, column_index] = value # Read internal force constant matrix elif read_ifc_matrix: if "Leave Link 716" in line: read_ifc_matrix = False ifc_matrix = np.triu(ifc_matrix.T, 1) + ifc_matrix elif " " in line: column_indices = [int(value) for value in line.strip().split()] elif "D" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() row_index = int(split_line[0]) - 1 values = [ float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line[1:] ] for i, value in enumerate(values): column_index = column_indices[i] - 1 ifc_matrix[row_index, column_index] = value # Read atoms for creation of B matrix elif read_b_atoms: if " B Matrix in FormBX:" in line: read_b_atoms = False else: if counter == 0: atoms = [int(value) for value in line.strip().split()] for atom in atoms: B_atom_map[atom] = [] if counter > 0 and counter < 5: values = [int(value) for value in line.strip().split()[1:]] for atom, value in zip(atoms, values): B_atom_map[atom].append(value) counter += 1 if counter == 5: counter = 0 # Read values of B matrix elif read_b_vectors: if ( " IB Matrix in Red2BG:" in line or "Iteration" in line or " G Matrix:" in line ): read_b_vectors = False else: if counter == 0: atoms = [int(value) for value in line.strip().split()] for atom in atoms: B_vectors[atom] = [] if counter > 0 and counter < 13: values = [ float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in line.strip().split()[1:] ] for atom, value in zip(atoms, values): B_vectors[atom].append(value) counter += 1 if counter == 13: counter = 0 # Read atomic coordinates in input orientation elif read_input_orientation: if counter > 3: if ( "---------------------------------------------------------------------" # noqa: B950 in line ): read_input_orientation = False else: strip_line = line.strip().split() values = [float(value) for value in strip_line[3:]] input_coordinates.append(values) atomic_numbers.append(int(strip_line[1])) counter += 1 # Read atomic coordinates in standard orientation elif read_standard_orientation: if counter > 3: if ( "---------------------------------------------------------------------" # noqa: B950 in line ): read_standard_orientation = False else: strip_line = line.strip().split() values = [float(value) for value in strip_line[3:]] standard_coordinates.append(values) counter += 1 # Read decomposition of normal modes in internal coordinates elif read_internal_modes: if counter > 3: if ( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # noqa: B950 in line ): read_internal_modes = False internal_modes.append(internal_vector) else: value = float(line.strip().split()[3]) internal_vector.append(value) counter += 1 # Read high-precision normal modes elif read_hp_modes: if counter < n_atoms * 3: strip_line = line.strip().split() values = [float(value) for value in strip_line[3:]] coordinates.append(values) if counter == n_atoms * 3: normal_modes.append(coordinates) read_hp_modes = False counter += 1 # Read atomic masses elif read_masses: if "Molecular mass: " in line: read_masses = False elif "and mass" in line: masses.append(float(line.strip().split()[8])) # Read number of atoms if " NAtoms=" in line and not n_atoms: n_atoms = int(line.strip().split()[1]) # Read normal mode force constants elif "Frc consts" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() values = [float(value) for value in split_line[3:]] force_constants.extend(values) # Read number of imaginary frequencies elif "imaginary frequencies (negative Signs)" in line: n_imag = int(line.strip().split()[1]) # Detect when to read data elif ( "Name Definition Value Derivative Info." in line ): read_internal = True counter = 1 internal_names = [] elif "- Thermochemistry -" in line: read_masses = True elif " IB Matrix in FormBX:" in line: read_b_atoms = True counter = 0 elif " B Matrix in FormBX:" in line: read_b_vectors = True counter = 0 elif " Force constants in Cartesian coordinates: " in line: read_fc_matrix = True fc_matrix = np.zeros((3 * n_atoms, 3 * n_atoms)) counter = 0 elif " Force constants in internal coordinates: " in line: read_ifc_matrix = True ifc_matrix = np.zeros((n_internals, n_internals)) counter = 0 elif "Input orientation: " in line: read_input_orientation = True counter = 0 elif "Standard orientation: " in line: read_standard_orientation = True counter = 0 elif "Normal Mode" in line: read_internal_modes = True counter = 1 internal_vector = [] elif " Coord Atom Element:" in line: read_hp_modes = True coordinates = [] counter = 0 # Process internal coordinates if len(internal_indices) > 0: for name, indices in zip(internal_names, internal_indices): if name[0] == "R" and len(indices) == 2: self._internal_coordinates.add_internal_coordinate(list(indices)) if name[0] == "A" and len(indices) == 3: self._internal_coordinates.add_internal_coordinate(list(indices)) if name[0] == "D" and len(indices) == 4: self._internal_coordinates.add_internal_coordinate(list(indices)) # Construct the B matrix from atoms and vectors if B_vectors: n_cartesian = n_atoms * 3 B = np.zeros((n_internals, n_cartesian)) for i in range(n_internals): for j, atom in enumerate(B_atom_map[i + 1]): if atom: B[i][(atom - 1) * 3 : (atom - 1) * 3 + 3] = B_vectors[i + 1][ j * 3 : j * 3 + 3 ] B_inv = np.linalg.pinv(B) # Detect whether the internal coordinate system is redundant if B.shape[0] == len(force_constants): self._redundant = False else: self._redundant = True else: B = np.array([]) B_inv = np.array([]) # Detect whether the input coordinates have been rotated. If so, rotate # B matrix and its inverse. input_coordinates: Array2DFloat = np.array(input_coordinates).reshape(-1, 3) standard_coordinates: Array2DFloat = np.array(standard_coordinates).reshape( -1, 3 ) if ( not np.array_equal(input_coordinates, standard_coordinates) and standard_coordinates.size > 0 ): rotation_i_to_s = kabsch_rotation_matrix( input_coordinates, standard_coordinates ) if len(B) > 0: B = (rotation_i_to_s @ B.reshape(-1, 3).T).T.reshape(n_internals, -1) B_inv = np.linalg.pinv(B) # Set up attributes self._B = B self._B_inv = B_inv self._fc_matrix = fc_matrix if fc_matrix.size == 0 and ifc_matrix.size > 0: self._fc_matrix = B.T @ ifc_matrix @ B self._ifc_matrix = ifc_matrix self._force_constants = np.array(force_constants) if len(normal_modes) > 0: self._normal_modes = np.hstack(normal_modes).T else: self._normal_modes = np.array([]) if len(internal_modes) > 0: self._D = np.vstack(internal_modes).T self.n_imag = n_imag self._masses = np.array(masses) self._input_coordinates = input_coordinates self._standard_coordinates = standard_coordinates self._coordinates = input_coordinates self._elements = convert_elements(atomic_numbers, output="numbers") def _parse_unimovib_local(self, file: str | PathLike) -> None: # noqa: C901 # Read file with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Set up flags for reading read_masses = False read_atomic_numbers = False read_coordinates = False read_hessian = False read_normal_modes = False # Set up containers for data masses = [] atomic_numbers = [] coordinates = [] hessian = [] normal_modes = [] # Parse file for line in lines: # Read atomic masses if read_masses: if " $ZA $END" in line: read_masses = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() masses.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read atomic numbers if read_atomic_numbers: if " $XYZ $END" in line: read_atomic_numbers = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() atomic_numbers.extend( [int(float(value.replace("D", "E"))) for value in split_line] ) # Read coordinates if read_coordinates: if " $FFX $END" in line: read_coordinates = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() coordinates.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read Hessian if read_hessian: if " $NMMODE $END" in line: read_hessian = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() hessian.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read normal modes if read_normal_modes: if " $APT" in line: read_normal_modes = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() normal_modes.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read number of atoms and normal modes if " $CONTRL" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() n_atoms = int(split_line[1].split("=")[1]) n_modes = int(split_line[2].split("=")[1]) # Detect when to read data if " $AMASS $END" in line: read_masses = True if " $ZA $END" in line: read_atomic_numbers = True if " $XYZ $END" in line: read_coordinates = True if " $FFX $END" in line: read_hessian = True if " $NMMODE $END" in line: read_normal_modes = True # Convert data to right format coordinates = np.array(coordinates).reshape(-1, 3) * BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM hessian: Array2DFloat = np.array(hessian).reshape(n_atoms * 3, n_atoms * 3) normal_modes = np.array(normal_modes).reshape(-1, n_atoms * 3)[:n_modes] elements = convert_elements(atomic_numbers, output="numbers") # Set up attributes self._normal_modes = normal_modes self._masses = np.array(masses) self._fc_matrix = hessian self._coordinates = coordinates self._elements = elements def _parse_unimovib_log(self, file: str | PathLike) -> None: # noqa: C901 # Read file with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Set up read flags read_coordinates = False read_vibrations = False read_normal_modes = False # Set up data containers atomic_numbers = [] masses = [] coordinates = [] force_constants = [] normal_modes = [] frequencies = [] # Parse file normal_modes_chunk: list[list[float]] = [] counter = 0 n_modes_chunk = 0 values: Any for line in lines: # Read coordinates, atomic numbers and atomic masses if read_coordinates: if counter > 0: if ( " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # noqa: B950 in line ): read_coordinates = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() atomic_numbers.append(int(split_line[2])) coordinates.extend([float(value) for value in split_line[3:6]]) masses.append(float(split_line[6])) counter += 1 # Read normal modes and force constants if read_vibrations: if " Results of translations and rotations:" in line: read_vibrations = False if read_normal_modes: split_line = line.strip().split() if len(split_line) == 0: read_normal_modes = False normal_modes.extend(normal_modes_chunk) else: values = [float(value) for value in split_line[2:]] for i in range(n_modes_chunk): normal_modes_chunk[i].append(values[i * 3 : i * 3 + 3]) elif "Irreps" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() n_modes_chunk = len(split_line) - 1 normal_modes_chunk = [[] for i in range(n_modes_chunk)] elif "Force constants" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() force_constants.extend([float(value) for value in split_line[2:]]) elif "Frequencies" in line: split_line = line.strip().split() frequencies.extend([float(value) for value in split_line[2:]]) elif " Atom ZA" in line: read_normal_modes = True # Detect when to read data if "No. Atom ZA" in line: read_coordinates = True counter = 0 if "Results of vibrations:" in line: read_vibrations = True # Convert quantities to right format n_atoms = len(masses) coordinates: Array2DFloat = np.array(coordinates).reshape(-1, 3) normal_modes: Array2DFloat = np.array(normal_modes).reshape(-1, n_atoms * 3) elements = convert_elements(atomic_numbers, output="numbers") force_constants: Array1DFloat = np.array(force_constants) frequencies: Array1DFloat = np.array(frequencies) masses: Array1DFloat = np.array(masses) # Detect imaginary modes self.n_imag = np.sum(frequencies < 0) # Set up attributes self._elements = elements self._coordinates = coordinates self._masses = masses self._force_constants = force_constants self._normal_modes = normal_modes def _parse_unimovib_umv(self, file: str | PathLike) -> None: # noqa: C901 # Read file with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Set up flags for reading read_n_atoms = False read_masses = False read_atomic_numbers = False read_coordinates = False read_hessian = False # Set up containers for data n_atoms: int masses = [] atomic_numbers = [] coordinates = [] hessian = [] # Parse file for line in lines: # Read number of atoms if read_n_atoms: if "AMASS" in line: read_n_atoms = False else: n_atoms = int(line.strip()) # Read atomic masses if read_masses: if "ZA" in line: read_masses = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() masses.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read atomic numbers if read_atomic_numbers: if "XYZ" in line: read_atomic_numbers = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() atomic_numbers.extend( [int(float(value.replace("D", "E"))) for value in split_line] ) # Read coordinates if read_coordinates: if "FFX" in line: read_coordinates = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() coordinates.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read Hessian if read_hessian: if "APT" in line: read_hessian = False else: split_line = line.strip().split() hessian.extend( [float(value.replace("D", "E")) for value in split_line] ) # Read number of atoms and normal modes if "NATM" in line: read_n_atoms = True # Detect when to read data if "AMASS" in line: read_masses = True if "ZA" in line: read_atomic_numbers = True if "XYZ" in line: read_coordinates = True if "FFX" in line: read_hessian = True # Convert data to right format coordinates: Array2DFloat = ( np.array(coordinates).reshape(-1, 3) * BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM ) hessian: Array2DFloat = np.array(hessian).reshape(n_atoms * 3, n_atoms * 3) elements = convert_elements(atomic_numbers, output="numbers") # Set up attributes self._masses = np.array(masses) self._fc_matrix = hessian self._coordinates = coordinates self._elements = elements def _parse_xtb_hessian(self, file: str | PathLike) -> None: # Read hessian file with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Parse file hessian = [] for line in lines: try: hessian.extend([float(value) for value in line.strip().split()]) except ValueError: pass # Set up force constant matrix dimension = int(np.sqrt(len(hessian))) self._fc_matrix = np.array(hessian).reshape(dimension, dimension) def __repr__(self) -> str: n_internal = len(self.internal_coordinates) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({n_internal!r} internal coordinates)"
def _get_internal_coordinate(atoms: Sequence[int]) -> Bond | Angle | Dihedral: """Returns internal coordinate.""" # Return bond, angle or dihedral if len(atoms) == 2: return Bond(*atoms) elif len(atoms) == 3: return Angle(*atoms) elif len(atoms) == 4: return Dihedral(*atoms) else: raise ValueError(f"Sequence of atoms must be 2-4 atoms, not {len(atoms)}.")
[docs] def cli(file: str | None = None) -> Any: """CLI for local force. Args: file: Geometry file Returns: Partially instantiated class """ if file is not None: elements, coordinates = read_geometry(file) return functools.partial(LocalForce, elements, coordinates) else: return functools.partial(LocalForce, None, None)