============ Installation ============ ᴍᴏʀғᴇᴜs can be installed using pip or conda and works with Python >= 3.8. .. tab:: pip .. code-block:: shell $ pip install morfeus-ml .. tab:: conda .. code-block:: shell $ conda install -c conda-forge morfeus-ml ************ Dependencies ************ It is recommended that dependencies are installed with conda if possible as the performance of the linear algebra backends is generally better than with pip. In some instances, such as when using `xtb`, it can help to switch the `BLAS implementation`_ used by conda. On Linux or Windows, MKL often works better than OpenBLAS, and it can be used with: .. code-block:: shell conda install "libblas=*=*mkl" Core dependencies: * numpy_ * scipy_ Optional depedencies: * dftd4_ * matplotlib_ * openbabel_ * pymeshfix_ * pyvista_ * pyvistaqt_ * qcengine_ * rdkit_ * spyrmsd_ * vtk_ * xtb-python_ .. _dftd4: https://github.com/dftd4/dftd4 .. _matplotlib: https://matplotlib.org .. _numpy: https://numpy.org .. _openbabel: http://openbabel.org/ .. _pymeshfix: https://github.com/pyvista/pymeshfix .. _pyvista: https://github.com/pyvista/pyvista .. _pyvistaqt: https://github.com/pyvista/pyvistaqt .. _qcengine: https://github.com/MolSSI/QCEngine .. _rdkit: https://www.rdkit.org .. _scipy: https://github.com/pyvista/pyvistaqt .. _spyrmsd: https://github.com/RMeli/spyrmsd .. _vtk: https://vtk.org .. _xtb-python: https://github.com/grimme-lab/xtb-python .. _BLAS implementation: https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/knowledge_base.html#switching-blas-implementation